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Honda Stream Facelift RSZ with Comparison


It has been a norm for Honda cars to have facelift after 2-3 years time. Honda Stream has facelifted in Japan. We believe that Honda Malaysia will retain the current Honda Stream version for the facelift which is Honda Stream RSZ.

HondaStream RCZ facelift front

The new Facelifted Honda Stream RSZ (front view)

Honda Stream RCZ Prefacelift front

The Current Honda Stream RSZ (front view)

As the two pictures shows, the new facelift receive a new bumper,foglights,and grille. A new design of rims has been fitted in as well.

Honda Stream RCZ facelift back

The new Facelifted Honda Stream RSZ (Rear view)

Honda Stream RCZ Prefacelift back

The Current Honda Stream RSZ (rear view)

From the rear we can see the new facelift version of the Honda Stream RSZ has a new rear bumper with reflector and a new sets if transparent rear lights.

No news from Honda Malaysia yet when will this be coming in but we will keep you posted. For those who interested in Honda Stream RSZ, we advice you to try to get more information from your sales assistant if you really like the new version more.
