In view of the upcoming festive ‘balik kampung’ rush, Honda Malaysia today reminded owners of Honda City between year 2003 to 2005 to drive to any authorized Honda 3S Centre for a free rear seat belt installation.
The Government of Malaysia through Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya (JKJR) initiated a rear seat belt campaign on 1st June 2008 and had given all car owners a grace period of 3 years beginning 1st January 2009, to install rear seat belts in their cars. Honda Malaysia had made an announcement to call all affected Honda cars to receive the free installation beginning October 2008. A total of 25,480 units of Honda City, which were sold between 2003 and 2005 are without Rear Centre Seat Belts. These cars would receive free installation of rear seat belt and the cost would be borne by Honda Malaysia. However, to-date, more than 50% of these units have yet to be brought in for the free installation.
Honda Malaysia Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Yoichiro Ueno said, “Promoting road safety has always been a commitment of Honda. Three years ago, Honda Malaysia was the first non-national car manufacturer in Malaysia to sign a MoU with JKJR, to promote and support the government’s move towards road safety. In view of the upcoming festive holidays and that many will be driving on the roads to ‘balik kampung’, we urge all City owners who have yet to bring their car in for the free rear centre seat belt installation, to do so soon. It is also important to send their cars for a routine service and check before driving long distances. We would like to advise that Honda customers make their service appointments earlier to avoid the crowd.”
The rear seat belt requirement is compulsory for cars registered from 1st January 1995 onwards and the ruling takes effect from 1st January 2012. Car owners now have less than 6 months left until 31st December 2011 to install the rear seat belt.
Currently, only 10% of backseat passengers in Malaysia use the seat belt. Many still do not realise that failure to wear it would induce the risk of serious injuries and death by 50% in an accident. Once the ruling takes effect, passengers at the rear could be penalized with a RM300 compound if they are caught not wearing the seat belt.